Thursday, April 25Welcome to Cryptolifedigital


Cardano Dex, ADAX, Releases Latest Testnet Version

Cardano Dex, ADAX, Releases Latest Testnet Version

ADAX, a Cardano-based DEX, releases a new version on testnet as ADAX V2 goes live. ADAX is a custodial and order-book-based decentralized exchange that fits into Cardano’s unique architecture. For decentralization and to assure rapid and seamless transactions for all users, the DEX includes smart contracts written with Plutus. Read Also: What Is a Crypto Airdrop And how to Milk and Get Rich From It Presently, Cardano has a total value locked of over $144.42 million, ranking 31st among DeFi chains. Contributing to Cardano's TVL are dApps such as MinSwap, SundaeSwap, Wingriders, ADAX pro and MuesliSwap. Now, for another announcement: briefly after announcin...