Ransomware Hackers: Steps To Protect Your Assets


Ransomware hackers have caused tremendous harm in cyberspace since the inception of the internet, the attacks on digital assets is not selective, because Government and non-governmental organization, as well as individuals, have gotten a bite of internet attackers.

In the digital world, malware that seems malicious can be the cause of a date experiencing breaches and this will in turn affect the regular operation of the site and by extension affect individuals and organizations.

But this can be avoided if preparation was made earlier to reprimand the attack, and to protect your digital assets.

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What Is Ransomware Attack?

Ransomware attacks are the act of holding digital assets to ransom and demanding payment before the release of the asset.

Over the years there have been many cases of ransomware attackers demanding ransom from their victims.

These hackers asked for crypto Payments ranging from Millions and sometimes asked for Fiat currency or any other digital asset.

The testimony of the pain that is experienced by some of the victims is enough to make you want to design some protective measures to tackle any form of attack.

This article will give you a guideline on steps to avoiding Ransomware attackers.

Design Plans And Policy

A good and well-design incident response can help the team of experts to perceive, and swing to action aiming to control any incident of digital asset attacks immediately.

A policy plan helps to reduce attackers’ threats and to control the damage if there is any.

It is important to take note and to include the ransomware recovery services in your plan, this plan can help you to recover your data quickly before the attack becomes extreme.

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Focus On Backups Always

Backing up your data helps to reduce the problem. Regular backup of all the sensitive information is needed all the time.

It is recommended that you store the data in an external device (s) or on cloud services.

In 2019 Unitrends survey estimated that 84% of businesses depend on cloud storage because of so many benefitting features that it has; from being affordable to easy accessibility.

However, if you are running an organization it is advisable to consider on-premise private cloud backup.

This will help your data to be secured.

Apply Multi-Factor Authentication

Applying this feature will reduce the risk of attackers drastically, this is because when trying to access the website you will need additional Authentication to be able to access it.

The good thing about this is that the attackers and everyone that have access to the website will need an extra accessibility profile to be able to access the network system.

When there is any attempt to re-design or unlock your MFA key, a notification will be sent to your technical team, they can swing to action immediately to curtail the situation.

Depending on the MFA system you have in place, you or your technical team may even receive a message if there is any failed attempt on your website assets.

This process can help you to track any ransomware attackers. MFA can help to tackle almost 100% of internet fraudsters including ransomware attackers.

NOTE: always ensure that you use a complex password, regardless of which of it you are using, whether multi-factor authentication or simple password. Do not use your paraphrase in multiple accounts.

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Join Hands With A Good Data Recovery Service Company

Partnering with reliable data recovery services will give you a level of confidence in the safety of your data, that is, you do not need to worry about losing your data in the case of any attempt to attack.

These companies will help you recover your data quickly while trying to reduce the damage or trying to prevent the damage.

Final Note

Hackers on the internet can not be avoided as such surfing for ways in order to tackle them should not be taken for granted.

A thorough awareness should be given to workers in the case of an organization, this will help everyone to be able to figure out links and emails that have malicious content, because it could be directed towards hacking your network.

One of the problems of a developer is the fear of being hacked by a cyber attacker, on this note, it is recommended that you do thorough and consistent research in other to figure out new ways on how to defend your data or network from attackers.

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Meet Daniel Abang: Crypto guru, content creator, and analyst. With a deep understanding of blockchain, he simplifies complex concepts, guiding audiences through the ever-changing crypto landscape. Trusted for his insightful analysis, Daniel is the go-to source for staying informed and empowered in the world of cryptocurrency.